Comic forms (1)
1- You have noticed that ...
This template occurs when there is a subtle and unusual point in the thing that we are constantly dealing with, and we are tucking it into it.
Did you know some of the peppers, do not eat pepper?
You paid attention to the time when we were going to go, and when they got acquainted with Shater, they did not get lost.
Have you noticed that your girlfriend, Filma, is going to bed with the most veiled ones?Have you not carefully selected? See no more ?!
هم میهن ارجمند! درود فراوان!
با هدف توانمند سازی فرهنگ ملی و پاسداری از یکپارچگی ایران کهن
"وب بر شاخسار سخن "
هر ماه دو یادداشت ملی – میهنی را به هموطنان عزیز پیشکش می کند.
خواهشمنداست ضمن مطالعه، آن را به ده نفر از هم میهنان ارسال نمایید.
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